I'm looking for a Female Dervish with Elite Sunspear Armour dyed black and i'd like to see how it would look with an Insectoid Scythe dyed yellow, brown and black.
Any help would be fabulous
Thanks in advance
Dervish Request
Sorry don't have any Insectoid Scythe, but this is how Female Elite Sunspear dyed black looks like.
I'm not sure if this is what you mean but I found this on GW Wiki, http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Insectoid_Scythe
Hope it helps.
Hope it helps.
Nah i'm looking for a screenshot of the Dervish wearing the Elite Sunspear Armour equipped with the Scythe
Apologies if my request was unclear and thanks to you both for your replies
Apologies if my request was unclear and thanks to you both for your replies