PvP: WILLING to PAY Weekly Dues...


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007



...to join a guild that does HA &/or GvG DAILY. PM in game to Negotiate Dues/Fees (IN GAME ASSETS ONLY). IGN: Doom Fodder

Reason: I'm real tired of the agonizing wait associated with PUGGING HA as a "low ranked" PvP'er and not being picked up on GvG guild because I've only played about 25 GvG matches.

I'm only G5 H2 C0 but want to PvP more than just AB/FA/JQ before GW is eventually superceded by GW2. I'm on GW 15-20 hrs per week (mostly RA). I have Vent/TS/Skype. Virtually UAX.

1) I get to play (minimum matches per week negotiable)
2) North American Time Zone