Hey there, I'm looking for a partner to role through:
End game areas
All Missions + Dungeons Nm & Hm
Vanq + Carto
Vanq + Carto
Kurzick + Luxon Farming
All Nm & Hm missions
All Vanq + Carto
So as you can see I am looking for a partner in almost every part of guild wars except night fall as I've completed all the titles for it .
I am looking for someone around Gmt time zone and available mainly at weekends however I can get on most evenings, I role along with my monk and have my main 7 or so heroes runed.
I'd prefer you to post here but if not then pm me in game at I lettuce leaf I
Thanks for reading!
PvE: Partner needed for titles/HoM!
Lettuce Leaf
Exo Virtuoso
I can join for those Proph vq and cartho
IGN: Exo Virtuoso
IGN: Exo Virtuoso
Assasin Foxx
Sup man.
Im up for all these things all that you need.
End game areas
All Missions + Dungeons Nm & Hm
Vanq + Carto
Vanq + Carto
Kurzick + Luxon Farming
All Nm & Hm missions
All Vanq + Carto
GMT+2 Im on allot
IGN: Beverian hulk
Im up for all these things all that you need.
End game areas
All Missions + Dungeons Nm & Hm
Vanq + Carto
Vanq + Carto
Kurzick + Luxon Farming
All Nm & Hm missions
All Vanq + Carto
GMT+2 Im on allot
IGN: Beverian hulk
Hey, i would love to join your group.
I need the same End game areas like you
IGN: I Isadonna I
I need the same End game areas like you

IGN: I Isadonna I
Daykara Sin
Hey. I can do just about anything. Right now I'm job searching IRL so besides that I just play GW all day. Haha. I'm EST but am on early till late. My IGN is Xyst Sin. Just pm Me anytime. Thanks. ^^
Rune Lockhart
id like to do as well!
im doing Cantha Vq right now...
iGN: Ayane Backfire
im doing Cantha Vq right now...
iGN: Ayane Backfire
Yeah I need this to, IGN: Aku Uka
Made the grievous mistake of remaking my Mesmer(my main) I've beat NF and EotN, i need to get through Cantha and Proph then im title hunting....im only like 12/50 for my HoM so obviously i need to get some work done there. It seems theres alot of people ready and willing so i dont think heroes will be needed, but if they are i got 7 runed and equipped. Ill have the other few campaigns finished up in a day or two. PM me ingame
IGN-Trippie Hippie
IGN-Trippie Hippie