The Army of Lightness [AoL] is looking to add more active players to our Guild. Whether you have been playing five months or six years, we could be the spot for you!
A bit about our Guild.
We are Kurzick but you're equally as likely to find teams forming up for Luxon Vanquishes as well as heading into the Deep. Right now our members are title hunting, raising new characters, crawling through dungeons, and tackling SC's for fun and good measure. We're comprised of players primarily located within the States, and the majority are College Students, Working Folks, and even a couple of Retired people. While we don't have a minimum age requirement, it's simply turned out that we normally don't pick up players under 17. [AoL] parties up as a Guild and we also party-up through the Alliance,
What we are looking for.
Active and Social Folks just like you if you're reading Guild Recruitment posts because your Guild has gone dark or you're tired of roaming in GW alone. The ideal people are those with a sense of humour, have set challenges or goals for themselves, have no hesitation in partying up with both Guildies and Allies instead of doing everything hero-hench, and are willing to both share knowledge as well as learn new aspects of GW they may not have explored previously. Also we ask that you have ventrilo available. While logging into vent all the time is certainly NOT required, if you are asked to hop on as part of a team, you can accommodate (talking is optional of course).
Our gaming philosophy is simple:
Respect, Teamwork, Help, Fun, and never forget about Life outside.
If you would like more information or to chat further, please don't hesitate to contact me either here
or in GW.
Kiera Nalani
PvE: [AoL] Army of Lightness - Kurzick
Kiera Nalani