IGN will be Ninja Lc. i operate according to pst. mostly on at night.
heres what ive got:
ALL UNDED (obviously or i wouldnt bother selling it)
Abomination - 20k
fungal wallow - 2k <-- or 1k man such a ugly mini
Mursaat x2 - 10k
shard wolf - 35-40k
cloud touched Simian - 10k
thorn wolf - 5k
Cobalt Scabara - 40k
Irukandji 10k
whiptail devourer -2k
jade armor - 1k
freezie- 30k
so yea again IGN Ninja Lc. all prices are based on the guide in the price check forums. if you want anything post ur ign names and what you want to purchase.
selling some unded minis
retract, bought them somewhere else