We currently have 1 spots open in YaWn Alliance. We are currently Luxon.
We ask that all applicants be established (2 months or older, at minimum). We have a large teamspeak server for our alliance and we ask that members actively use it. YaWn has a firm no-spam-recruiting policy; you should recruit via forum, preferably. And we would prefer 18+ membership.
We are seeking only high-end speed clear guilds. You and your members should be proficient in all areas of the game, but should also remember that we are here to have fun.
The alliance currently consists of
Retired Bookah Syndicate [YaWn]
Desolation Lords [DL]
Caelum Infinitum [ode]
Resign Please Forgot [Naga]
The Ressurected Lion [TRL]
Electric Extended Edition [naO]
Terra Noise [Zraw]
Legacy of Defiance [Lod]
Legion of Empire [SPQR]
The application form is available on our forums:
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me in game via pm.
<3 Barbie Pryncess
PvE: Retired Bookah Syndicate [YaWn] looking for one more
barbie pryncess