Download Speed Low?
I've recently got a copy of gw.dat from my friend, installed, put everything together, and I noticed that the npcs are bugging, some are jumping, some are just standing in a design mode.
After getting annoyed by this I decided to reinstall it. Downloaded client, put -image in the shortcut to download everything, and BAM. Max 30kb/sec but usually 10 kb/sec, I'm used to max 650.
Any solution for this?
After getting annoyed by this I decided to reinstall it. Downloaded client, put -image in the shortcut to download everything, and BAM. Max 30kb/sec but usually 10 kb/sec, I'm used to max 650.
Any solution for this?
None other than trying to download on different hours, mainly off-peak american hours.
I have a similar problem with loading new areas, except I know the cause of mine. If there are any others on the network, ask them if they could turn off downloads/disconnect for X minutes/hours. Apart from that, I have no idea. Could be peak hours, could be the provider mucking up (I get that one a LOT too).
If it's not something on your puter or in the network, contact your service provider.
If it's not something on your puter or in the network, contact your service provider.
The cause is more than likely what the above have stated but i think spec of computer can have a bearing on it too i.e. an old'ish computer.
Well I wouldn't call a quadcore oldish, and I notice if anyone else is downloading - I simply block them in the router What I see here is that the download speed is jumping too frequently, like 5 jumps between 10kb/sec and 200kb/sec under 1 sec.
I opened the required port too in the router and no changes...
I opened the required port too in the router and no changes...
The inconsistent speed has always been there, but it can be quite noticeable in which time of day you download. On a good connection I would still expect 3-6 hours of download.
Guild Wars downloads files in chunks of 16KB at a time, causing a full roundtrip of delay after every chunk because the server expects an acknowledgement.
It could be worth trying to check your ping (post traceroutes) against all of the File<n> servers for n in [1; 12].
If you are in Europe, try running the following commands in an Administrator shell to prevent your client from connecting to the US download servers:
Then restart Guild Wars and see if your download speed changed.
It could be worth trying to check your ping (post traceroutes) against all of the File<n> servers for n in [1; 12].
If you are in Europe, try running the following commands in an Administrator shell to prevent your client from connecting to the US download servers:
echo. && echo >> %SYSTEMROOT%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
ipconfig /flushdns
Since it isn't possibly to copy paste to command prompt, I created a .bat file and filled it with the first text, ran it in administrator mode, and then "ipconfig /flushdns" but nothing changed imo.
Are you sure the code is well written?
Also I check the host file after that and its filled with this:
Is this how it should be?
Are you sure the code is well written?
Also I check the host file after that and its filled with this:
Is this how it should be?
The inconsistent speed has always been there, but it can be quite noticeable in which time of day you download. On a good connection I would still expect 3-6 hours of download.
Also @Namiren
Yes, everything is fine on your side Namiren, nothing is wrong. Trust me I've tried everything. For some reason lots of us are being throttled on our download speed for no apparent reason. Don't bother posting here. Nobody can help you. They either say, you got bad internet, bad computer, or some other random problem. If you read through a couple threads in the past 2-3 weeks, lots of people are having this issue. It's obviously Guild Wars, and not all of us, so forum regulars just need to drop their witchhunt of it being us. If they continue to argue that it's us rather than it being Guild Wars then they're just ignorant. The proof is in us all having the issue.
We're all being limited to 30kbs, and nobody has found out why.
If anyone knows why, it would be appreciated. (Don't say sometimes servers are laggy, and there's high traffic. This has been happening for almost a month!)
EDIT: Also I fixed the issue, well not "fixed", but got around it by using -image in the shortcut properties, and honestly waiting 10 hours for the entire game to download.
Ok, ok wait. You meant you were talking about your experience? Then next time you need to elaborate, not me. That sentence in no way specifically states at any point in time, that you're referring to just your experience. If anything it specifically states on, "On a good connection I would still expect 3-6 hours of download." That's stating you'd expect a 3-6 hour download on "a good connection", not "your connection" specifically. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Same here.
Was using a 80Mb/s connection getting 30kbps, I'm now on a 10Mb/s connection and still having to download with 30kbps.
It's guild wars for sure.
Whatever, no playing for me this weekend.
Was using a 80Mb/s connection getting 30kbps, I'm now on a 10Mb/s connection and still having to download with 30kbps.
It's guild wars for sure.
Whatever, no playing for me this weekend.
No problem, you're excused. I assumed that people would know it's a personal download experience time since all download times are personal. After all we all live in different countries with different providers, right? Since I haven't created a statistical report of at least 1000 people's download experiences, I can't give any more average download speed for most people.
It could also be a problem with the eu-am 'server gateway' in Germany, that has caused most 007s and 040s on european districts a few months ago, but barely touched the american ones.
So, people who have ~30kbps, which part of the world are you from?
So, people who have ~30kbps, which part of the world are you from?
Mine fixed itself, as mysteriously as it appeared.
Googling it, I can see it has happened last year as well. Some people get it, some don't. With not a single explanation from Arena Net.
Example 1
Example 2
EDIT: Also, I'm from California, USA. So we can see if it's restricted to somewhere or not. I assume it's not.
Googling it, I can see it has happened last year as well. Some people get it, some don't. With not a single explanation from Arena Net.
Example 1
Example 2
EDIT: Also, I'm from California, USA. So we can see if it's restricted to somewhere or not. I assume it's not.