Hey all, Monday this week i made the horrendous mistake of restarting my mesmer completely(5 yrs old, almost 1500 hours of play time on him alone) Remade him with the same name and of course kept my weapon sets, but wanted a different look(had the cropped hair scarface kinda look from nf and couldnt be asked to spend 10 bucks on a makeover pack) so i started him in Cantha and plan to get all my title hunting started(didnt really lose much as my old mes only had nm elona done :-p) He's lvl 15 and i just got to kilroy so tonight im gonna finish max survivor, then thurs/friday im gonna get cantha done in NM and HM and i figured with the weekend event it'd be prime time to get some vanquishing done.
To the point of this thread. I'm looking for some people who want to go through all(or as much as possible) of Cantha vanquishing this weekend. I will be starting right outside the first town and working my way as far as i can get. Any help is welcome as i dont have the funding to get my heroes all runed up(let alone unlock all the heroes needed for my old hero build) or if we can get a team of 6-8 players all the better. My mes is spec'd to run Panic, E-surge armor ignoring spam, and SoS at the moment, i'll be running one of those builds unless something else is particuarly usefull in certain areas(inept etc) My ign is TrippieHippie, ill probably be logging in around 5pm EST tonight so if you'd like to come along, post your IGN and profession here or PM me ingame and i'll add you to my friends list. I'll also be going through EotN, then Tyria next week and Elona afterwards so if you're on my Flist and would like to come along ill be sure to get ahold of you before i do whatever mission/quest, though thats a bit unrelated to this thread. If you're interesting in vanquishing Cantha this weekend, post your ign and profession, and or whisper me ingame, take care all.
Cantha Vanquish(weekend)