2nd part WoC arrival
new green drop from elite ministry illusionist: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/194/gw039b.jpg/
here are links to my 2 new green drops i got xD
Nice chatting with them on massively, was really entertaining
I asked about repeatable content and joe kimmes said "repatable WoC: if nothing else, we want there to be some way to fight the afflicted again if you really want, so it's something we'll look at" which i have screenshot of.

That first new quest sure is annoying. On my first try I didn't have my hands anywhere near the keyboard and mouse when the excrement hit the fan, I was sitting back to read. My entire party exploded in 2 huge bursts of damage before I got back in position to play. Looked like splinter weapon hits.
Restarted the quest, walked away from the gathering a little bit and had a bathroom break while the puppet show repeated itself. When I got back, I saw Miku die and the quest fail. Seems we're back to the 'good old days' of having to keep NPCs alive, wasn't expecting that. Annoyed now, not going to try again today.
Restarted the quest, walked away from the gathering a little bit and had a bathroom break while the puppet show repeated itself. When I got back, I saw Miku die and the quest fail. Seems we're back to the 'good old days' of having to keep NPCs alive, wasn't expecting that. Annoyed now, not going to try again today.
That first new quest sure is annoying. On my first try I didn't have my hands anywhere near the keyboard and mouse when the excrement hit the fan, I was sitting back to read. My entire party exploded in 2 huge bursts of damage before I got back in position to play. Looked like splinter weapon hits.
Restarted the quest, walked away from the gathering a little bit and had a bathroom break while the puppet show repeated itself. When I got back, I saw Miku die and the quest fail. Seems we're back to the 'good old days' of having to keep NPCs alive, wasn't expecting that. Annoyed now, not going to try again today. |

Malchior Devenholm
Friend just got a new bow green - Guidance.
Should be posting it soon
Should be posting it soon

Here is the green bow.
The 2nd part of this seems similar to War in Kryta... where the Ministry of Purity replaces the Peacekeepers, and just bullies everyone around.
is this quest a treaty's a treaty the last new quest? o.o cause it ended with a cut screen with a to be continued.
Gill Halendt
So you find them annoying, how is that that Anet's fault? I didn't find them annoying at all, and rather enjoyable
![]() |

Oh, so, it wasn't enough to have done the quests the first time around and disliked them. They've made it so you have to do the part one quest string on both normal and heroic in order to continue?
What is the point of that? It's the same quest string. Why do I need to repeat it in order to continue!
What is the point of that? It's the same quest string. Why do I need to repeat it in order to continue!
Oh, so, it wasn't enough to have done the quests the first time around and disliked them. They've made it so you have to do the part one quest string on both normal and heroic in order to continue?
What is the point of that? It's the same quest string. Why do I need to repeat it in order to continue! |
so wait..i have to do part one in nm and hm mode to be able to do part two in nm?! o.o!
The ministry of purity has nothing for me, so I am assuming that's the case. I completed the part 1 in normal mode, so I should be good to go for part 2 in normal mode and I'm not.
I have not done any of the quests in HM and was able to continue with Part 2.
Are you sure you are speaking with the Herald?
Are you sure you are speaking with the Herald?
Yep, I'm sure. He hasn't a ! over his head and says just a randomly generated chat blurb when I press him.
maybe you haven't finished the last quest of part one
Or.. maybe I had forgotten that I did the quest string on my mesmer, but not my rit and was looking at the guy on my rit.
Yes.. I am retarded.
Yes.. I am retarded.
blonde moments happen to the best of us.....I keep a spreadsheet to keep them to a bare minimum 
neeeeeed more screeeeeen shots of the new greeeeens!!!
(all I seem to get as drops are jade bracelets--hope nic asks for them again soon).

neeeeeed more screeeeeen shots of the new greeeeens!!!
(all I seem to get as drops are jade bracelets--hope nic asks for them again soon).
That first new quest sure is annoying. On my first try I didn't have my hands anywhere near the keyboard and mouse when the excrement hit the fan, I was sitting back to read. My entire party exploded in 2 huge bursts of damage before I got back in position to play. Looked like splinter weapon hits.
Restarted the quest, walked away from the gathering a little bit and had a bathroom break while the puppet show repeated itself. When I got back, I saw Miku die and the quest fail. Seems we're back to the 'good old days' of having to keep NPCs alive, wasn't expecting that. Annoyed now, not going to try again today. |
And ANet, don't give NPC allies offensive shadowsteps, especially in a scenario where you need to stop people dying.
Overall this felt a little rushed but at least there's none of the repetitive 'vanquish' crap. The story is somewhat nonsensical but I'll live with that.
My mishaps were with the outbreak of the initial fight, taking me unawares twice in 2 different ways. The second time, when Miku died, I didn't notice that the talky sequence was cut short, starting with Miku already there. That was actually a nice surprise in hindsight. Having to sit through Reiko's speech twice would've been boring and pointless. It just didn't leave me with the time I needed to take care of my bathroom business. 
Anyway, I've done all the quests now. Definitely more interesting than the first part. More of a story to it, and more variation in the quests.
Quite silly though how the suicide bombers were level 30. You'd think guys who accomplished such a high level would have something better to do with their lives than tossing it away to take out a couple of bone horrors.
Anyway, I've done all the quests now. Definitely more interesting than the first part. More of a story to it, and more variation in the quests.
Quite silly though how the suicide bombers were level 30. You'd think guys who accomplished such a high level would have something better to do with their lives than tossing it away to take out a couple of bone horrors.

It's better than the first part of WoC, in my opinion.
At its fundamental level, it's the same theme: take quest, kill stuff, get reward. This time, however, the quests are not beefed out with excessive durations which feels much more tolerable. 4 and 6 player areas are scaled more intelligently also, unlike Minister Cho's Estate in WoC part 1.
Above all, I'd still prefer the Live Team to dedicate their resources to fixing current issues within the game instead of adding new stuff.
At its fundamental level, it's the same theme: take quest, kill stuff, get reward. This time, however, the quests are not beefed out with excessive durations which feels much more tolerable. 4 and 6 player areas are scaled more intelligently also, unlike Minister Cho's Estate in WoC part 1.
Above all, I'd still prefer the Live Team to dedicate their resources to fixing current issues within the game instead of adding new stuff.
Seems we're back to the 'good old days' of having to keep NPCs alive, wasn't expecting that. Annoyed now, not going to try again today.

(For quests marked with * you can avoid being attacked on all sides by inducing the NPCs to move in order to heal your minions.)
Quite silly though how the suicide bombers were level 30. You'd think guys who accomplished such a high level would have something better to do with their lives than tossing it away to take out a couple of bone horrors. ![]() |
Did the quests. Mostly they felt like grind, unfortunately, made all the worse by the HM versions, but I'm all for new content these days. Difficulty was quite good actually; if I don't pay attention I wipe and sometimes fail quests, but otherwise they were all doable, and there are harder quests out there.
Storyline was really silly though. It takes fanatical people to blow themselves up for the greater good, and it's hard to believe there are that many fanatical people in Cantha. Ministry of Purity going all up in arms against the heroes who saved the world from the Lich, Shiro, Abaddon and the Great Destroyer is impossible too. If anything I would expect our word to be more powerful than Reiko's. To think that everyone in the Ministry of Purity believes in Reiko is nonsense as well. If soldiers in Syria can refuse to shoot at protesters, so too can individual people in the Ministry refuse to attack Tengu (or whatever).
That said, I think the Live team did quite good given their resources. It's a bit sad that they couldn't introduce a cutscene with new speech, but it's still a nice touch there at the end.
Storyline was really silly though. It takes fanatical people to blow themselves up for the greater good, and it's hard to believe there are that many fanatical people in Cantha. Ministry of Purity going all up in arms against the heroes who saved the world from the Lich, Shiro, Abaddon and the Great Destroyer is impossible too. If anything I would expect our word to be more powerful than Reiko's. To think that everyone in the Ministry of Purity believes in Reiko is nonsense as well. If soldiers in Syria can refuse to shoot at protesters, so too can individual people in the Ministry refuse to attack Tengu (or whatever).
That said, I think the Live team did quite good given their resources. It's a bit sad that they couldn't introduce a cutscene with new speech, but it's still a nice touch there at the end.
Raven Wing
For the first part, just bring some trapper heroes and trap the living soul out of the ministry officials during the initial dialogue
Ministry of Purity going all up in arms against the heroes who saved the world from the Lich, Shiro, Abaddon and the Great Destroyer is impossible too. If anything I would expect our word to be more powerful than Reiko's. To think that everyone in the Ministry of Purity believes in Reiko is nonsense as well. If soldiers in Syria can refuse to shoot at protesters, so too can individual people in the Ministry refuse to attack Tengu (or whatever).
I agree. I really am disappointed that after defeating a GOD, our character is still regarded as merely mooks. Remember War in Kryta? What role did we play? Giving Kieran cupcakes? Even though we're acknowledged as heroes in WoC, all the authority you supposedly have to lead Cantha is gone after the first speech bubble...
Did you guys forget that Kormir "really" killed Abbadon? Who was there to witness what happened, Dunkoro and some ghosts?
Raven Wing
To me it looks like Reiko is aiming to become a dictator or at least the Emperor's Prime Minister and the one that actually pulls the strings in Cantha. To achieve that goal Reiko must get rid of all rivals, and undermine the authority of anybody else. Reiko surely know what we (the player) has achieved but if we cross her plans we need to be badmouthed and removed from the picture. She cant have a famous hero running around and telling everybody that she is a liar. So the hero needs to get the black mark as traitor and enemy. Simple as that.
Vincent Evan
I honestly hope that the Ministry fully takes over Cantha. We haven't had a sad story in Guild Wars yet. Plus, it would set a stronger foundation for Canthan lore. Let them have their mass conformity and control. Make the hero be exiled or something.
Tom Swift
I honestly hope that the Ministry fully takes over Cantha. We haven't had a sad story in Guild Wars yet. Plus, it would set a stronger foundation for Canthan lore. Let them have their mass conformity and control. Make the hero be exiled or something.
I would suspect that they have in mind that bringing Cantha out of its exile would be a possible expansion or campaign in GW2 some time after launch much as factions was to prophecies.
But, yeah, I expect a tragic ending to the current storyline to result in the ministry of purity pretty much in control of Cantha by the end of part 3.
(oh, and for those having trouble with warning the angchu - it helps to set traps among the ministry people while they are friendly or to bring a bunch of minions in and let the ministry purger cast "death nova" on them while friendly and then blow them up when they turn hostile. Setting a destructive spirit among them about 30 sec before they go hostile also does a bunch of damage. I also found that putting myself and my heroes a little south of the meeting point worked well. You may have to kill a small group of Kappa that wanders around to the South so they don't cause problems during the fight. My heroes took out the initial ministry group when they turned hostile while the angchu tanked the incoming group from the north. Then once the initial group is dead you can move in and finish killing the new group)
I'm waiting on regicide; nothing less could properly wrap up this hilarity.
Damn, Kisu's reign is too long according to the wiki.
Damn, Kisu's reign is too long according to the wiki.

Vincent Evan
Althea? Brechnar? The end of the dwarven race? Defenders of the Forest? Messages, Messages Everywhere? |
Edit: Oh, a secondary quest.

Having trouble with Warning The Angchu my second time through on my monk. The Angchu NPCs die in 4 seconds(literally) and I got diverted 11 times in a row O.o
sigh... I hate 4 man areas.
nvm i somehow did it
sigh... I hate 4 man areas.
nvm i somehow did it

No, actually we killed Abbadon. Kormir just 'stepped up' and absorbed all of Abbadon's power and knowledge. If we had not killed him first she never would have been able to do that.
Skyy High
No, actually we killed Abbadon. Kormir just 'stepped up' and absorbed all of Abbadon's power and knowledge. If we had not killed him first she never would have been able to do that.
Anyway, I thought the idea of this story was specifically that the MoP is turning the people of Cantha against the Big Heroes of the world who saved them from Shiro, because they want the people to take care of themselves now (well, that's what they're preaching at least). So the fact that we did all of that heroic stuff pretty much counts against us now. We're the Old Way, they're the New Way.
Armageddon (Varying Name)
Look Im going to a lot of time. Like every boss or enemy they were nice and dandy. THEN BAM they went crazy. So we need to go get some friends and kill them and make the world happy. I mean look at shiro. Dude went batshit crazy. Reiko also probably went batshit crazy.
Yes it is the last quest
I have to say that the npc AI is mentally challenged. |
"Hey, lets run in and get my butt slain, real quick-like so this player can start over...again!"
Should be the NPCs' bubble text...lol