Hi I am quite a long time GW player. I got the original game just before Factions came out. I was wondering if there were any guilds recruiting for PvE and maybe training people in PvP.
I worked on HoM which is 50/50 and have GWAMM on one character so I am pretty much done with PvE. On my 'to-do list' are Survivor 3 on Monk and need 2.5 Million to max Luxon title, and pimping out my existing characters :O
I did a bit of PvP in that I do the low arena's quite a bit FA/JQ and I have got Gladiator 1 / Hero 4 but mostly I earnt the HA title mostly through randomways (ah the pain) having never been in a proper PvP guild.
Really I think as GW is coming to an end I would like to improve my PvP skills and learn 'Team Work' for HA/GvG. I am quite active, (Euro) pretty patient, I guess can be amusing at times, don't rage and can be open to try a few builds out. Mostly I play midline characters but I do very much enjoy hacking people down wih melee and healer in PvP is always challenging.
If anyone wants to invite me PM X Mithrandir X in game with some info about your guild.
PvX LF PvE/PvP Guild