Unded King Adelbern + Xunlai Cleaning w/ Celestial Compass q13


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


Want to sell this king adelbern so i can try to get a 5th year white (seer or shard wolf not both) that i want so i will accept trades plus money. Hopefully this goes somewhere heh.

S/B 45k
B/O 60k

Celestial Compass q13 resto s/b 3e

5 Red Rock Candies 2.5k/each

Also have (offer on all of these)
Word of madness
Temple Guardian
Terrorweb Dryder

20 Lockpicks

7 Margonite Gemstones
2 Stygian Gemstones

2 Elite Paragon Tomes
1 Elite Ranger Tome

1 Ranger Tome
1 Assasin Tome
4 Dervish Tomes
10 Warrior Tomes
7 Monk Tomes
2 Paragon Tomes
6 Necro Tomes
3 Elementalist Tomes
3 Mesmer Tomes

4 Monumental Tapestries

5 Mysterious Tonics
5 Cottontail Tonics
2 Beetle Juice Tonics
3 Macabre Tonics
1 Transmorgrifier Tonic

All of these are subject to prices in the green guide (but i'll give a discount if you ask nicely :P)
Fendi's Rod
Fendi's Focus
Staff of the Forgotten (Resto)
Cyndr's Aegis
Ilsundur's Focus x2
Illyana's Staff
Kephet's Refuge
The Adjucator
Divine Shadow Staff
The Stonereaper
Gorrel's Cane
Urkal's Kamas
Totem Axe
Traveler's Walking Stick
Stygian Daggers
Inspired Shadow SStaff

IGN: Pewter Man


Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2011

i ll take ur word 15k
and ur king 45k

ign No Monkey



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Mar 2010

Denizen of Tyria since Feb. 2009

20 Lockpicks - I'll bid 23k

Edit: I just noticed your tomes!

4 Dervish Tomes
7 Monk Tomes
2 Paragon Tomes
6.5k for all of the above

Edit (10/20/11): Removing IGN, as this auction appears abandoned.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006


bump!Bump! BUMP!



are we there yet?

Join Date: Dec 2005

in a land far far away

guild? I am supposed to have a guild?


beetlejuice tonics...500gold for the pair