LF Vanquisher - Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2010

I am looking for a reliable person who can assist me in vanquishing all the campaigns.

On prophecies I have not vq any area.
I've vqed 2 areas in Factions and 3 in Nightfall.

I am only able to play on weekends and will not be afking any of the runs as I need to complete my cartography title too.

I need you to be able to vq without my help as I will be running the rest of the map.

I am on PDT time zone for California.

PM if you are interested with the costs for each campaign.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2011


How much are you paying for Nightfall?
I can help you with it.

IGN: Alex The Precise


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2010

Fort Worth, Tx



we've already discussed this. but also Par i'm going to retract from helping you if you use more than 1 other person. that's the point of my services offered thread.

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