As title reads, I would like a PC on those 2 beautiful staffs
Any input appreciated
Thanks in advance!
PC on req 10 20/20 Bo staff, 20/10 Ghostly Staff
A Perfect Slayer
Masacru Ak
Bo staff definitly 100e+ , ghostly like ....15k maxim ...
Bright Star Shine
There was a bo with the exact same mods that sold for 300e I think not too long ago...
Very popular attribute (terra ssins say hi) and wanted skin.. Don't think you'll get 300e for it, but it should be at least in the 150-250e range..
Very popular attribute (terra ssins say hi) and wanted skin.. Don't think you'll get 300e for it, but it should be at least in the 150-250e range..
Jan Breydel
Agreed with bright. I sold mine with exact same stats for 250e, another one was sold for 200e.