Notice Regarding Trades in Price Check




Join Date: Nov 2005


The Peachatorium [hugs]


The Price Check forum is for price checks only. Posts made in an attempt to purchase an item in the forum will result in a ban as covered in the rules.

If a situation arises in which you are contacted outside of the Price Check forum by someone seeking to purchase an item you have submitted for a PC, it is advised that you obtain those PCs first. These would preferrably be from a number of reputable sources such as the Price Check Gurus that are active in the forum. It would not be advisable to make a future trade based on a single PC that also happens to be from the potential buyer due to the conflict of interest that can arise from this.

Remember that providing you follow the rules on bumping, you may keep your Price Check thread open as long as you wish until you feel that you have reached an accurate estimate for the value of your item(s).

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter or the Price Check forum in general, please feel free to contact Peachie.