Originally Posted by Mireles
Mine sweeper, solitare, 52 card pick up are all boring games... are there bots for those?
That's because those are single player games.
If there was a competitive online minesweeper game, then I guarantee that somebody, somewhere would write a bot program for it and then bot for weeks on end so they could be on the top of the leaderboards.
If the game is so boring why play? People don't bot in a game they don't like to play... they bot because they want instant admiration and attention from people that do play.. without having to actually do anything.... or commit copyright infringment for money... but on a individual basis.. its usually the first reason
You want the real reason? Because it has an audience. Any MMO with more than one person playing on it will have somebody, somewhere will care about titles, player rank, and loot. Once you get an audience then there's going to be somebody, somewhere that will try to exploit the system to get all of it with no effort.
Also, many younger gamers simply don't care about hard work and time investment in a video game because there's so many avenues for entertainment. In other words, when you can go almost anywhere for instant gratification, then playing some grind-oriented goal becomes a pointless endeavor and they'll just turn to bots or Chinese gold farmers.
One study measured how often the average gamer completes a game. It is something like 25 percent. You can look at the statistics on sites like Steam and see that it's true that more than half of the gamers don't even bother finishing a game they bought. My point is, people's attention spans are so short nowadays that they just want to get all the stuff in their game and move to the next item. Ever heard of gamers that buy games that they don't even play? I have seen more than one person admit it. One of my closest friends even bought a game that he had no desire to ever play. He bought it anyway because it had--and I quote--A COOL TITLE. If that doesn't show how capricious some people are, then I don't know what does.
In a completely unrelated note, I think that it says a lot when ArenaNet has reversed wrongful bans. In other words, it is possible to play Guild Wars in a way where an active moderator can't tell the difference between a real player and a bot program. I don't know if that says more about the intelligence of the bots, or about how much grind is inherent to the game. You'd think that the only way to be accused of being a bot is to do something over and over and over and over for hours at a time.