Insightful Zodiac Staff of Defense +5/+5, Q9 Divine, Inscribable
Zodiac Staff of Valor +59, Q11 Inspiration, Inscribable
Vampiric Zodiac Daggers of Enchanting 3/-1, 19%, Q9 Dagger Mastery
not Inscribable, inherent Damage +15% while in stance
Crippling Zodiac Daggers of Fortitude +29, Q9 Dagger Mastery
not Inscribable, no inherent value
PC on 4 Zodiac Items
Oblivion Seeker
Inspiration Staff - merch-5k
Vampiric Zodiqc Daggers - 15k
Vampiric Zodiqc Daggers - 15k
Divine Zodiac - 25-30k
merch everything else imo
merch everything else imo