Chris, Luke, Alexander & Violetta's Services Looking for new runners!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2011

Canada [GMT -5]

Krazy Guild With Krazy People [KrZy]


Hi there,

We are currently looking for new runners to join my services here on Guru. As Chris (myself) cannot currently fill in orders because of a PC problem, requests are simply accumulating and not being done.

Sadly, the numerous requests we have received since our first day were never answered because we could not keep up with the current requests of every client. To even spice things up a little more, Fabian sadly had to leave the running team due to real life duties.

Charisma, honesty, loyalty & numerous other qualities are needed for a spot in our team, We simply cannot accept all of the runners which will or will not post in this thread, by principles.

Please post as the following quote will show :

In-game name :
Timezone & Country (If in Canada, the US or the United Kingdom, please specify the province, state or region) :
Have you ever experienced running missions or vanquishes ? :
Why would you like to join? :
In few words, describe your qualities [Optional but will be taken in priority if answered] :
Have you read our Terms of Service ? :
Do you speak any other languages than English ? :

Please be honest filling these questions, if by any reasons, you do not feel comfortable by answering these questions in public, send me a message here (To Chris - Prestige) on Guru and I'll be happy to read the form you have filled.

Thank you for your time,

-Chris, Luke, Alexander & Violetta.

zodic daggs

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2011


ING: Ninga Master Two
eastern timezone U.S.A NH
i have exprience with missions
i would like to run more missions and have some extra plat in my pocket
fun, talkitve
yes i have read your terms of service



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2011

Canada [GMT -5]

Krazy Guild With Krazy People [KrZy]


Still Looking.

Contacted the poster above this post.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2009



In-game name : Classic Leimone
Timezone & Country (If in Canada, the US or the United Kingdom, please specify the province, state or region) : Sweden, Stockholm.
Have you ever experienced running missions or vanquishes ? : Yes, and I liked it.. which is why I'm applying.
Why would you like to join? : I do enjoy running missions/vanquishes, and if I can get paid doing that, even better!
In few words, describe your qualities [Optional but will be taken in priority if answered] : If a person is paying, I'll do my best to run whatever he/she requested as fast as possible, I'll also be available to chat with the person if he/she feels like it.
Have you read our Terms of Service ? : Yes
Do you speak any other languages than English ? : Swedish



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2011

Canada [GMT -5]

Krazy Guild With Krazy People [KrZy]


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Siann Windstriker

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2009



In-Game Name: Siann Windstriker
Timezone & Country: GMT +8, Western Australia
Have you ever experienced running missions or vanquishes ?: I used to run missions and do the classic forge run back in the old days, (even an old thread somewhere on this website).
Why would you like to join?: I really enjoy the customer-runner relationship and holding a conversation, as well as performing a service for someone. The money is always nice from running missions, but I especially enjoy the experience and the people that I work with.
In few words, describe your qualities [Optional but will be taken in priority if answered]: Funny, witty, talkative, fast learner, and a true nerd at heart.
Have you read our Terms of Service ?: Yes
Do you speak any other languages than English ?: I can read/write Latin, but I don't think that helps here