Closed: Paying 10 ecto for DUNCAN ONLY HM!

Akish Cohor

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2009


(Update) Thank you Phoenix All Mighty. Excellent service

Just as the title says. I will pay 10 ectos to have someone kill Duncan for me in HM.

To clarify:
This is 10 ectos for me to not have to do ANYTHING. I'll hold on to a vamp weapon if need be so you can shrine hop me to the end. 5 ectos will be paid at the shrine closest to Duncan, the final 5 being paid after he is dead. This doesn't necessarily have to be a "run" per se. Hacking and slashing your way through is fine by me. Just have the quest done to the point where we can go in and start at Duncan's level.

PM me in-game or through my GWG inbox.

IGN: Akish Cohor

Akish Cohor

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2009



Akish Cohor

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2009


Really no takers yet?

Phoenix All Mighty

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2011

Canada [-5 GMT]

looking for HA Guild


Ya, I can do that for you.

Edit: Ok, it is done! And He gave tips too