current price ecto's?

Doler Robin

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2010

Pillars Of War


Hey I'm thinking about starting to play GW again so I can fill my HoM for GW2 but first i was wondering; what is the current price for a glob of ectoplasm?

Akish Cohor

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2009


1) Log into game
2) Find rare material trader
3) Request a quote on ecto
4) If you have an ecto, request a quote to sell an ecto
5) Use the mid-point between those two. If you don't have an ecto subtract 1k from the price you were quoted in step 3 and that's usually the same as the mid-point.

While other people might find my reply passive-aggressive and insist that ectos are statically worth x amount of gold, I think you will find my answer to be the best as it enables you to figure out the price all the time rather than at one particular point in time.

Averaine Clou

Averaine Clou

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2011

Dhuum And Mallyx Are Waits Play [ToYs]


merch's ecto price (buy)+merch's ecto price (sell)/2=current price

Jason Xll

Jason Xll


Join Date: Sep 2005

Ice Tooth Cave


Alright, to actually answer the OP's question, ecto is trading at around 15=100k or 6.8-7k at the moment. It is 8.5k at the trader.