Here's the list, sorry no pics...
Req10 Guardian of the Hunt (''Luck of the Draw'' 19% chance, -5 recieved dmg)
Woven Shield (''Luck of the Draw'' 19% chance, -5 recieved dmg)
Righteous Maul of Deathbane 20%vs Undead +20% Damage under 1/2h
Req11 Aureate Aegis -Motivation
Demonic Aegis -Strength
Equine Aegis -Tactics
Req12 Sun & Moon shield
All gold of course.
PC on several Gold Weapons & Shields
Omar Charrbane
1. 10kish.
2. Whats the req? Merch - 5k depending on req.
3. Merch/2k.
4. 5k.
5. 2-15k depending on req.
6. Merch, if R9 = 5k.
7. Merch.
2. Whats the req? Merch - 5k depending on req.
3. Merch/2k.
4. 5k.
5. 2-15k depending on req.
6. Merch, if R9 = 5k.
7. Merch.