Hi, I am Amon Lasul and like to get rid of some stuff:
- elite para tome
- elite monk tome
- elite ranger tome
1k each
- unded mini Kirin
- unded mini Thorn Wolf
- unded mini Hydra
- unded mini Siege Turtle
- unded mini Jade Armor
These you can buy for 2k a piece, or trade me another unded mini (which I prefer)
Options are: Devourer, Temple Guardian, Titan, Char Shaman, Harpy Ranger or Juggernaut
Thank you
WTS: Tomes and unded minis
Amon Lasul
I'll take your elite tomes.
Please message me in game
Narla de berg
Please message me in game
Narla de berg
I will take Kirin and Thorn Wolf for 2k each.
IGN Ky Shunpo
IGN Ky Shunpo
Amon Lasul
Great, thanks, see you online then (today?)