++++++++++++++SALE IS NOW OVER!++++++++++++++ I'll be contacting the winners as soon as possible. Thanks!
Greetings, all. :-)
Looking to sell this very nice Death Bo Staff, among other tid-bits. Thanks for looking, and happy bidding.
I reserve the right not to sell.
Bid increments are to be REASONABLE...no 1k-upping or anything like that, please.
I prefer cash or Z-Keys(valued at 5k each) over anything else, but ecto is accepted at 6250g/each.
Bo Staff SOLD: 50e (superraptors)
Reinforced Buckler SOLD: 25k (Tripolityx)
Platinum Staff b/o: 10k
Tetsubo b/o: 10k
Chromium Shards b/o: 10k
Dusk Blade b/o: 5k
20/20 Death Inherent Bo Staff (UPDATE-10/15-ADDED r9 Reinf. Buckler-2/s/+10vsDragons)
Rise Today
s/b bo staff ...
ing : I Gringo I
ing : I Gringo I
i dealer i
40e bo staff
ing: nila van aris
ing: nila van aris
45e bo staff
Maynard Mezz
Maynard Mezz
50e on bo staff
Added the Reinforced Buckler and reduced buyouts for the other items. :-)
Thanks for the bids so far!
Probably gonna close this in the next day or two, so get your bids in!
Reinforced Buckler s/o: 25k
IGN: X Tripolityx X
E: I think I somehow managed to instant delete my message after posting, soz about that
IGN: X Tripolityx X
E: I think I somehow managed to instant delete my message after posting, soz about that
Looking swell, thanks!