Elite Elementalist Tome - 8k
Elite Monk Tome - 8k
Elite Necro tome - 7k
2 lockpicks - 1.250gp each
Aegis of terror - 10k
+10 armor vs fire - 2k
oppressor shield tactics - 70k
q9 jade sword inscriptable - 12k
Q11 voltaic spear - 33ecto
Everlasting gwen tonic - highest bidder
IGN: Bear Grylls Jr
Feel free to pm me in game!
I reserve all rights
EDITED by cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: Changed to the appropriate prefix. The High End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of 100k or more. The Low End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of less than 100k. The Mixed prefix is for threads where there is a fairly even split between High End and Low End items. Users are responsible for maintaining the thread's prefix as items are added and removed.
Please review the Ventari's Corner Guidelines
You may remove this message once you have read and understood it.
Selling mallyx, voltaic spear, elite tomes, magmas shield el gwen tonic and more!
Rocky Rockstar
La Monkologue
28e on Q11 VS.
IGN : La Monkologue
IGN : La Monkologue
15e on the el gwen
ign: Forsaken Flames X
ign: Forsaken Flames X
Dark Morelia
Originally Posted by Rocky Rockstar

dedicated mallyx - 25k
I'd like this please 
Edit: thanks for my glowy ape!

Edit: thanks for my glowy ape!

I want
Pre Searing Crysta longsword
Magmas Shield
IGN: Keara Nightstalker
Pre Searing Crysta longsword
Magmas Shield
IGN: Keara Nightstalker
Rocky Rockstar
bump , edited out the sold items
kronos tyrus
buying the oppressor shield for 11e
ign: kronos tyrus
ign: kronos tyrus