i got a drop somewhere in cantha i think or a chest, its req 6 +11energy.
i didn't think stuff like that dropped, since a req 7 max can't, why can a req 6 +11 drop? any ideas on it thanks
its a channeling focus of devotion (req 6 channeling)
req 6 + 11 e
id merch it, commonish drop
Outo Oli Apc
It didn't drop in cantha, for sure. And agree on merch, q6/11 foci aren't used..
why aren't they? its 1 less energy and 2 less reqs for it.
imo it should be worth some coin, even tho its not a rare skin
imo it should be worth some coin, even tho its not a rare skin
Averaine Clou
Imho it's merch
Low req offhands aren't very usefull.
Even q8/12e insc blue are worth like 10k
Low req offhands aren't very usefull.
Even q8/12e insc blue are worth like 10k
Bright Star Shine
Dimmuborgir Satan
Dont merch 5-10k