Unsure of values. Thanks in advance for any help.
1) Insightful Zodiac Staff of Fortitude (r9 Divine) Inscr
+5 +5^50 +30
2) Insightful Zodiac Staff of Mastery (r9 Death) non-inscr
Reduces Poison
+5 +1 Death (20%)
3) Insightful Zodiac Staff of Enchanting (r9 Divine) non-inscr
Reduces Bleeding
+5 +20% Enchants
4) Insightful Zodiac Staff of Mastery (r9 Air) non-inscr
Halves cast (9%)
Energy +5 +1 Air (20%)
5) Sundering Zodiac Sword of Fortitude (r9) inscr
20/20 15^50 +30
PC on a few Zodiacs
Tar Ionwe
My thoughts:
1) 35K
2) Merch
3) Merch
4) Merch
5) 45K
1) 35K
2) Merch
3) Merch
4) Merch
5) 45K
1. 10-20k tops
Jason Xll
Yea insc Zod Staff is 15-20k. insc Zod Sword 30-40k. Merch the rest.