Well, after years of PvP play im starting to shift back to PvE due to the game being just a tad on the dead side. I still run GvG on a regular basis so i'd rather not up and leave for a PvE guild, but i would like to start compiling a decent FL for PvE play. My HoM is pathetic...i think im at 12/50. Recently remade my Mesmer(my main) Got him through NF and EotN, bout halfway through Cantha now. By the end of the week at the latest i plan to be through all 4 campaigns, then i'm going to start title hunting. Keeping it simple, One mission at a time, NM then HM, probably going to start with Tyria and work my way through. I've got 7 heroes that are all runed/equipped that can handle the task just fine but i'd rather be playing with humans. If you are working on title hunting(skill capping, vanqing, etc etc will come after guard/prot) please post your IGN here, what areas(campaign wise) you need or are currently working on, and what time(and timezone) you're usually on
IGN:Trippie Hippie
Campaigns Needed:All(Starting on Elona)
Playtimes:After 4 PM EST on weekdays, whenever on weekends.
The second part of my request. I would like to get into speed clearing to make some money. I've been looking at the Mesmer builds involved in some of the more popular groups and have the EQ/Armor to run them. Only thing im lacking is experience. Its been over 4 years since i've played any serious PvE and im finding it difficult to get into groups. I'm only R4 LB atm(nm and nm books from guard/prot will fix that)and need a grp willing to take me through the runs a few times and show me the basics(Panic in frostway for example, show me what grps to pull, when to pull them etc etc) I've gotten in with a few groups, explained i needed a bit of guidance, and 5 minutes into the run some idiot is nerdraging at me because i didnt do something that nobody told me i was supposed to be doing. Don't get me wrong, im fine with the Panic build, placing and timing, etc etc. my IGN is posted above, if you've got a group you run with, or are even forming a grp and willing to show me the ropes, please PM me and let me know where you're running and what position you need(please keep in mind my only PvE char is my Mesmer atm)
PvE: Title Hunting and Speed Clearing
I will do some nm/hm missions and vqs (: i used to sc uw and fow a lottt so i can tell you what you need to do for that. Just pm me ig. I really dont have a set time i get on so...whenever :/
IGN - Nande Dayo
IGN - Nande Dayo