Closed: pc Domination Straw Effigy
Ondals Wisdom
Thanx for all the help guys! I did know not to merch this, i'm not that stupid.
Ondals Wisdom
Bump this up
Ondals Wisdom
Last bump, no pc means storage for a long time
Canthas Monk
Merchant food.
Averaine Clou
canthas please, you really have no idea what you are talking about, please grant us your expertise with an explanation of why this is merch
and my pc is at very very least 100k+ could see it getting 20-30e++ pretty easy tho
canthas please, you really have no idea what you are talking about, please grant us your expertise with an explanation of why this is merch
and my pc is at very very least 100k+ could see it getting 20-30e++ pretty easy tho
I'm not sure about the 30e+ opinions, but I'd say 15e+.
agree with jimbo
do not merchant this effigy by any means
it is entirely sellable
do not merchant this effigy by any means
it is entirely sellable
sleezy d
i just scrapped my Q10 curses straw effigy for 10k, sounds like i mighta got scruged