WTS Greens, Golds and Mods!
Hopefully, you'll find something you like.
Leave bids here, or contact me in game.
MOST bids will be accepted, unless they are ludicrously low, or for whatever reason I deem fit.
If you really like an item, shoot me a bid, you might be surprised! :]
IGN: Trampoline Tramp
Leave bids here, or contact me in game.
MOST bids will be accepted, unless they are ludicrously low, or for whatever reason I deem fit.
If you really like an item, shoot me a bid, you might be surprised! :]
IGN: Trampoline Tramp
-Desolation Sword of Swordsmanship: Q9, Swords+1, Str&Hnr 15^50
-Icy Igneous Blade of Deathbane: Q9, Cold dmg, Dmg 19% (undead), Too Much Information (15%)
-Icy Razorclaw Scythe of Shelter: Q9, Cold dmg, Brawn Over Brains, Armor +7 (physical dmg)
-Sundering Shadow Blade of Fortitude: Q10, 15^50, 20/19, H+30 (NOT INSCRIBABLE)
-Vampiric Dragon Sword of Enchanting:3/-1, Enchants 20%, E+5
Ranged Weapons
-Ebon Solemn Spear of Enchanting: Q9, Earth dmg, Enchant 19%, Guided By Faith
- Insightful Smiting Staff: Q9, E+5, Seize The Day (14/-1)
-Shadow Staff of Shelter:Q9, 1/2 Cast (10%), Armor +7 (Physical)
-Hale Suntouched Staff: Q9, H+29, Hale and Hearty +5
-Silver Boar Scepter of Quickening: Q9 E Storage, 1/2 Recharge (10%), Hale and Hearty +5
-Shamanic Wand of Quickening:Q9 Resto, 1/2 Recharge (10%), Show Me the Money!
-Platinum Wand of Quickening: Q10 Spawning Pwr, 1/2 Recharge (10%), Don't Call it a Comeback (E+7)
Offhands / Shields
-Bone Idol of Swiftness:Q11 Soul Reaping, 1/2 Cast (10%), Ignorance is Bliss (5/-5)
-Inscribed Chakram:Q11 Domination, 1/2 Recharge Illusion (20%), 1/2 Cast Domination (19%)
-Vabbian Tower Shield of Endurance: Q9 Motivation, H+43 (Stance), Run For Your Life -2(Stance)
-Demonic Aegis of Fortitude:Q13 Str, H+30, Nothing to Fear -3 (Hexed)
-Frost Artifact: Q8, Energy +12, inscribable.
Green Weapons / Offhands
-Totem Axe
-Milefun's Staff (Domination Magic)
-Milius' Pillar (Earth Magic)
-Zarnas' Wrath (Earth Magic)
-Exuro's Will (Fire Magic)
-Ilsunder's Rod (Fire Magic)
-Fendi's Staff (Soul Reaping)
-Fendi's Rod(Death Magic)
-Fendi's Focus(Death Magic)
-Ilsunder's Focus(Energy Storage)
-Havok's Shield(Tactics)
Mods / Upgrades / Inscriptions
-Insightful Staff Head
-Swift Staff Head
-Staff Wrapping of Earth Magic
-Staff Wrapping of Fortitude
-Zealous Axe Haft
-Zealous Sword Hilt
-Spear Grip of Spear Mastery
-Bow Grip of Fortitude
-Shield Handle of Valor
-Sundering Spearhead
-Seize the Day
-Luck of the Draw
-Master of My Domain
-Strength and Honor
-Vengeance is Mine
-Temple Guardian
-Necrid Horseman
-Cloudtouched Simian
-Heket Warrior
-Quetzal Sly
-Harpy Ranger
-Wind Rider
-Jade Armor
-Fungal Wallow
-Siege Turtle
-Word of Madness
-Palawa Joko
-Prince Rurik
-Norn Bear (Dedicated)
-Jora (Dedicated)
-Oola (Dedicated)
-Pig (Dedicated)
Miscellaneous Items
-Diessa Chalice
raptor - 3k
IGN : Saint of Australia
IGN : Saint of Australia
3k on divine symbol of fortitude
4k on serpentine reaver
ign = balashi ftw
4k on serpentine reaver
ign = balashi ftw
10k on the forget me not if its 20% and 5k on legendary sword... if interested contact me in game
IGN - Scar Giver X
IGN - Scar Giver X
5K varesh
ign narla de berg
ign narla de berg
I'd buy that Droknar's Key for 3k.
IGN: Lola Soulcrusher
IGN: Lola Soulcrusher
Tyr Alexanderson
5k each for aatxe and mandragor imp.
IGN: Tyr Alexanderson
IGN: Tyr Alexanderson
Averaine Clou
Inscribed Chakram: 3k
<-- IGN
<-- IGN
LiQuId StEeL
45k for unded Jora+Nornbear+Raptor
IGN: Disposable Ele
IGN: Disposable Ele
Sadistic Kay
I'll buy your Rin Relics (Need 23 more) for 1e each.
IGN: I Sadistic Kay I
IGN: I Sadistic Kay I
Bumping to pique sales!
7k Droks Key.
IGN: Pyro Infinity
IGN: Pyro Infinity
Swift The Cunning
3k primeval armor remnants
IGN: Swift The Cunning
IGN: Swift The Cunning
Bumping for pleasure.