5 consets 8.5k
black dye 8k
white 3k
shinobi blade q9 insc, 25k
the hammer of justice WiK green wep 10k
150 war supplies 280 ea
2 unded mini thorn wolf 4k ea
100 pumpkin cookies 120g ea
ELITE tomes War5k//Mes6k//Ele5k
Lots of normal tomes also 500-700 ea
(no rit or derv tomes left)
powerstone of courage
50 scrolls to Fissure of woe 650g ea
post ign here I will add and pm
currently: online
Mixed sale
xxotic azn
xxotic azn
Wts el margonite 190e
I will take the 150 war supplies
IGN: Yahya The Conquerer
IGN: Yahya The Conquerer