Pc times 7


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2009

Lisse, Zuid holland

Devils Rejects [DR]


Pc on
Pumpkin cookies
Transmogrific tonic
Summoning stones
Storm bow q9 and q12 perfect mods
Zodiac sword q9 perfect mods
Destroyer staff earth




Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

WTB Q9+5e Bows/Q8 14^50 Weapons


Pumpkin cookies 100-150 and halloween is next week so will be 100 or less then.
Transmorgrifier 250-350 because you can spam these in zinns lab but halloween is next week.
Summoning stones depends on type Mysterious 2-700ea/Ghastlies 2-4kea/Merchant 100-500ea etc IDK but like 2-600ea generally
r9 Inscribably storms i see for 40-70k people try to get 100k but thats hard.
r12 maybe 15k
Zod 35k or so...
Destroyer stuff is like 55k-70k but it's an earth staff and you may have to take less unless you find someone looking for that staff. They may be going up.