I am offering 360.36k gold to any one/group that can run me through Urgoz. The unusually specific amount of gold I'm offering is in a way so that if you put a group together I can divide the payment evenly between any number of players (1-11) (11 players-each gets 32.76k, 8 players-each gets 45.045k, etc.).
If only one player is doing this with heroes I will supply whatever other 3 heroes you would like to bring along and I will follow your directions in the use of my heroes to assist you. I should not be expected to contribute any effort other than hero direction. I have my skill hunter maxed so I should be able to put any builds on the heroes that you need.
Payment will be made after Urgoz is killed before I open the chest. Please see this thread to show that I have asked for services before and have made good on my payment:
Obviously I cannot carry 360.36k gold to pay everyone. So payment will be made in a combination of lockpicks and gold. Lockpicks will be set at a value of 1.2k each. And if you don't want lockpicks once we are out of the mission I will buy them back from you for 1.2k each so that you can get a pure gold payment. I don't want to mess with ectos and their fluctuating value. So once Urgoz is dead I will pay you your lockpicks and gold and then we can map out and I will buy back any lockpicks you do not want. See chart below for payment details based on group size.
I would prefer a seamless run with an experienced group so the following stipulations apply:
If I have to resign to start over due to a party wipe, each resignation will reduce total group payment by 27.72k.
The run should be done within 2 hours. For every 5 minutes over 2 hours that this run takes (including do-overs), 27.72k will be reduced from total group payment.
Please post here AND message me in-game if you are interested in performing this service for me.
IGN: Akish Cohor
Payment chart (lockpicks set at a value of 1.2k):
# of Players | Per person in gold value | Actual payment to be rec'd
1 | 360360 | 234 picks + 79.56k
2 | 180180 | 117 picks + 39.78k
3 | 120120 | 78 picks + 26.52k
4 | 90090 | 58 picks + 20.49k
5 | 72072 | 47 picks + 15.672k
6 | 60060 | 39 picks + 13.26k
7 | 51480 | 34 picks + 10.68k
8 | 45045 | 30 picks + 9.045k
9 | 40040 | 28 picks + 6.44k
10 | 36036 | 24 picks + 7.236k
11 | 32760 | 22 picks + 6.36k