PvE: Hall of Monuments Partner/Group/Whatever


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2011

Greetings, folks.

I just recently picked up my copy of guild wars and bought the extra campaigns I never bothered to do last week. I've been trudging along with a couple friends of mine, but I'm looking to get these things done a bit faster. I have terrible characters for the most part, but I have a lot of MMO experience outside of this game and am confident that I am capable of playing at the level required for hard modes/farming/what-not.

All that said, I'm working on all three campaigns currently and I'm willing to help anyone who seems interesting/dependable enough catch up to and progress with me through them with the intent to complete everything feasible that will contribute to the Hall of Monuments rewards across all campaigns. If you're interested, add me in game on "Also Not Lux", contact me here in some fashion, or add Bainataurm to Steam - whichever is easiest for you.

PS: I seriously need to do basically everything. I work on and off but the days I'm not working I'll spend much of it working at this.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2011

I'd be very interested in joining up with you. I essentially also have to do everything (I think I have 4 points at the moment...), and I really want to get at least 30/50 before GW2 comes out.

I've added you in-game (Womb Of Earth) and will probably also do so in Steam the next time I boot it up.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2011

You're one point ahead of me then, though to be fair, I have a couple of things done as soon as I bother getting another tapestry

I'm online now and will probably be on for the rest of the day, so hit me up or I'll hit you up - whichever comes first.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2011

Sounds good. I'm popping out for breakfast but I should be back within the hour or so.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2011


If any of you are interested I'm a veteran player who wouldn't mind helping if its ever needed. I have all of props beat and EoTN on my necro which is who im playing on. I have 80% of NF beat and would like to go into factions and beat it on my necro. If ever needed add and pm me :P

Horrifying Hope



Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2007



I'm in the same situation. Just 4 points in my HoM when I "quit" GW 3 years ago. But I'm returning now that GW 2 is close (or so they say).

I've only finished Proph and about 90% done with NF. Scattered completion with EoTN.

IGN: Aelfweald Kirh

il Priscilla il

il Priscilla il

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2011



If you would like, I have a couple tapestries you could have. Also, I currently have to do nearly all missions in prophecies and nightfall (almost finished with eotn) on my warrior and wouldn't mind a couple less heroes and a couple more people.

IGN: il Priscilla il


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2011

Sounds good! I've added all of you in game and will try to poke folks when I'm doing things. I'm working on all three campaigns at once right now through the normal mode with various people.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2011

Excellent, more people!

Sorry I haven't been on since Monday(?), I've been crazy busy. But I hope to really get some hours logged tomorrow.

If you would like, I have a couple tapestries you could have. Sweet jesus if you have a spare one I would do terrible awful things to acquire it. Unspeakable things lol

No but seriously. Just one tapestry and I'd be on my way to victory I swear it!

Rise of Cpu

Rise of Cpu

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2007

trollin in hong kong city



I definately gotta start gaining my points again also, taking a break from GW was a bad idea haha. I don't mind helping you fellas what timezones you all on?

il Priscilla il

il Priscilla il

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2011



Ethernet, I do have 1 more left I don't need, just pm me when you get the chance.

@Bain, if u want I have everything set up hero wise, just let me know when you wanna do the rest of nf and proph, hehe sry bout leavin you behind but I needed to get to gate of anguish for tormented weps


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2011

Whenever we're both around we can finish this stuff. I'm in CST myself and I've been playing with a couple of friends, but don't hesitate to poke me if I'm online.

zodic daggs

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2011


i'll do it with you i'm 15/50 in points would like to get 30/50 as soon i as i can

ING: Ninga Master Two