PvE: The Waiting Game + Dhuum NM



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2010


Not Safe For Life [NSFL]


Anyone interested in doing the festival event quest: The Waiting Game, then Dhuum?

Team build i have in mind is:

Me as Warrior or Monk
A Panic Mesmer
Two other ranged spell-casters with damage skills.
A Signet of Spirits Ritualist
A Soul Twisting Ritualist
Two monks as back-line.

If interested leave your contact info please.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2011


I'm up for it. Im an Ele.
Iv'e cleared all UW before except 4 horsemen and Dhuum. So I need the achievement!

I can be on my (Aussie UTC+10) Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning/night.

IGN: Otah Morsul



Site Contributor

Join Date: Nov 2009




Underworld is where I go when I take vacations, so count me in. But two things:

1) I'm not a fan of the team you are wanting, but I can see it working.

************2) I do not go into the Underworld without a particular friend of mine, so if you invite me to go on a run, there better be room for her, you don't get one without the other.************

IGN: Silence And Despair



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2010


Not Safe For Life [NSFL]


I was hoping to get a team in the weekend where i can play at any time.
I made four pugs teams in between fighting in costume brawl this last weekend one couldn't kill Dhuum because idk, i was monking, we had pi and everything; one failed because someone took 4h too early and i didn't have time to explain what to do to the people; one had 2 damage dealers dc and lost 4h because not enough damage and one where i was nec but monks died at Dhuum and without heal party it was gg. I checked to see if you are online that was a negative, so idk if there is enough time left as quest exits stage left tomorrow at around this time.
I noticed that Dhuum has health regen now in nm don't remember that he had that in nm i may be wrong.

tl;dr: failed with pugs four times, now there is not enough time or people to do it.



Site Contributor

Join Date: Nov 2009




Originally Posted by R E A View Post
I was hoping to get a team in the weekend where i can play at any time.
I made four pugs teams in between fighting in costume brawl this last weekend one couldn't kill Dhuum because idk, i was monking, we had pi and everything; one failed because someone took 4h too early and i didn't have time to explain what to do to the people; one had 2 damage dealers dc and lost 4h because not enough damage and one where i was nec but monks died at Dhuum and without heal party it was gg. I checked to see if you are online that was a negative, so idk if there is enough time left as quest exits stage left tomorrow at around this time.
I noticed that Dhuum has health regen now in nm don't remember that he had that in nm i may be wrong.

tl;dr: failed with pugs four times, now there is not enough time or people to do it.
Don't stress, you'll get it, but, a few notes:

1) PI is nice, but not required, don't necessarily NEED it for damage on Dhuum, the strat I've always used works well enough.

2) Seems to have been out of your control.

3) Once beat the Underworld with 5 people after disconnects, was frustrating, but doable.

4) Heal Party is NOT required for Dhuum. If you have it, then it's nice to have, but usually in my parties our monks die and become spirits right off the bat anyway.

Your defeats don't seem to be due to lack of knowledge, or coordination, just need that one little period where no flukes happen. If me and my friend are able to come this weekend, maybe we will join you.