ITs Q7tactics emblazoned Defender +30hp Reduce Dazed 20% Gold max
Pretty Sure there isnt another one like it Just curious if i over paid or did ok leme know your opinions
Ya it was his, now its mine XD
ALSO PC q10 15-10ar Uninsc Dwarven Hammer thanks Gold max ofc
Price check on Q7 shield i just bought
Tire Town Tuff
Ancient Dragoon
1250e . . . .
ms magic
not exactly common haha so imo that kind of item cant be pc'ed only way to know what people would pay for it would be in auction but to give a range probs around 1000-1500e region depending on interest. pretty decent pvp shield.
one of a kind, agreed with the 1000-1500e range
Chaos Theory Pvp
Agree with what people are saying here.
Tire Town Tuff
Bump to the top!!!!!!