What is the price of -50 health major rune, death magic and beast mastery ones
also pc on old kepkhets refuge and jade wind orbs
Price check on -50 health major rune
Chaos Theory Pvp
Jee forget that......
i am the ownage
hmm well my major runes have -35hp...so ima go out on a limb and say they are probably over merch value, other then that im afraid i couldnt tell you. i would wait for more opinions
You dont really need PC's on runes... just check then rune trader for prices (the price to other players is somewhere between traders buy and sell price)
EDIT: i just realized that old purple runes had a -50hp penalty... in this case its more about raretity
EDIT: i just realized that old purple runes had a -50hp penalty... in this case its more about raretity
Averaine Clou
<Profession> Rune of Major <Attribute> Major / Purple <Attribute> +2 (Non-stacking) Health -35 |
Minor rune -50 is a pre nerf runes, they don't drop anymore.
Now they have -35hp
I know there are still few people buying this kind of stuff, try in buy section.
Hard to pc jade orbs too. I'd say 5k/ea
Here you have one thread
thank you for your replies