Mad King's Steward (the quest giver) - does anyone know on what day he will disappear from LA/Kama this year?
I'm asking because I'd like to turn in all his quests before he goes away
Question re Mad King's Steward
It says on the login screen that the fun doesn't end until november 1st. So I'll assume that's the day he'll go away.
I recomend that you turn in his quests (assuming it's every bit helps for the most part) every once in a while so you don't miss the chance for whatever reason - don't want to wait another year.
I recomend that you turn in his quests (assuming it's every bit helps for the most part) every once in a while so you don't miss the chance for whatever reason - don't want to wait another year.
The time that npc disappears doesnt matter much as last year (or 2 years ago??) there was a moment where you still could take the quest, but you couldnt enter UW as a candy anymore. I dont think it will be different this year...