PC on several goldies


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2011


PC on:
All max dmg and gold

- Furious gothic dual axe of fortitude (Q10 - adrenaline gain 9% - +30hp fortitude - inscr: show me the money)
- Vampiric grim scythe of enchanting (Q10 - Max hp steal - 20% longer enchantment - inscr: show me the money)
- Voltaic wand of quickening (Q9 - halve skill recharge :9% - inscr measure for measure)
- Silencing crude daggers of shelter (Q9 - Dazed 33% - armor + 7 vs phys - inscr: vengeance is mine +19%<50%)
- Fiery ruby maul of fortitude (Q9 - Fire dmg - health + 29 - insc measure for measure)

If some mods are valuable and the wep should be merched pls tell me