it's a gold Storm bow
Max and inscriptible
And thx to all that help me in all price checks
Closed: PC Q9 Storm Bow
Averaine Clou
20k . .. . .. .. .
Oblivion Seeker
~25k. I have also been trying to get rid of one. ^^
Agree, easy sale 20-25k
A tremendous amount of player favor this longbow for pulling (I have 12 of them), so it doesn't take too long to sell them in Spamadan.
A tremendous amount of player favor this longbow for pulling (I have 12 of them), so it doesn't take too long to sell them in Spamadan.
I was able to sell mine for much higher recently (50k). However, that took much longer to get rid of. You just have to come by someone who really wants one at that moment you are selling.