Hey guys. I have some items that I've gathered up. I really need to clear up some room... so as you can see, I've selling everything so low that I'm not even going to bother with bids.
1 - B/O = 1k
2 - B/O = SOLD
3 - B/O = 3k
4 - B/O = 2k (these are actually daggers, just grouped them with swords)
5 - B/O = 1k
6 - B/O = SOLD
7 - B/O = 2k
8 - B/O = 1k
9 - B/O = 2k
10 - B/O = 4k
11 - B/O = SOLD
12 - *SOLD*
13 - B/O = 2k (non-inscribable)
14 - B/O = SOLD
15 - B/O = SOLD
16 - B/O = SOLD
17 - B/O = 1k
18 - B/O = 2k
19 - B/O = SOLD
20 - B/O = SOLD
21 - B/O = 37E
22 - B/O = 64k/all
23 - B/O = 5k
24 - B/O = 1k
25 - B/O = 1k
26 - B/O = 1k
27 - B/O = 1k
28 - B/O = SOLD
29 - B/O = SOLD
As you have the right to retract bids, I have the right to retract items from the sale. First to post gets the item..
IGN: Flawless Victor
EDITED by cosyfiep for the following Guidelines Violation: Changed to the appropriate prefix. The High End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of 100k or more. The Low End prefix is for threads where a significant majority of the items have values of less than 100k. The Mixed prefix is for threads where there is a fairly even split between High End and Low End items.
Please review the Ventari's Corner Guidelines
You may remove this message once you have read and understood it.
Flaw Vic's Storage Sale! Low B/O's on +30 Golds, EL tonics, and others!
Aesir The Warrior
I'll take 2,11,14,15,20,29
Great guy, very friendly, very smooth trade. Thanks!
Great guy, very friendly, very smooth trade. Thanks!
I'll take 19
IGN Dark Jedi Warrior
Smooth trade, thanks again.
IGN Dark Jedi Warrior
Smooth trade, thanks again.
waiting to trade with both of you Aesir and X3R0.
Thanks guys. Bump!
last bump here..
b/o 6, 16, 28
IGN: Chalupa of Death
IGN: Chalupa of Death
b\o 4
ign: Hellcast Rizen
ign: Hellcast Rizen
the superior
b/o on #3
ign: Superior Nemesis
ign: Superior Nemesis