35 regular warrior tomes- 300 gold each
1 elite war tome- 4k
sword enchanting 20%-3.5k
Zealous sword mod -SOLD
Furious sword mod 10%-1.5k
axe enchanting 20%-2.5k x2
hammer sundering 20/20- 2k x3
EL boreal tonic- SOLD
Q10 gold insc magmas shield -60k
q10 gold insc demonic aegis -40k
q10 eternal shield gold -5 20% -4k
Storage Sale cheap
I'll take tonic and Zealous mods.
ign Narla de Berg
fyi I won't be in game until sat night pst. please look for me then.
ign Narla de Berg
fyi I won't be in game until sat night pst. please look for me then.
40k on the magmas
ign = balashi ftw
ign = balashi ftw
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