Stack of Consets
Surge goes pre
Hey Everyone,
I currently have a stack of cons for sale.
Stack of Consets
B/o: 300e - were sold in game for bo
Sold the Eternal Shield, Thank you
IGN = Sir Nicholas Buzan
I currently have a stack of cons for sale.
Stack of Consets
B/o: 300e - were sold in game for bo
Sold the Eternal Shield, Thank you
IGN = Sir Nicholas Buzan
Surge goes pre
And up to the top we go
old gray dude
s/b on the unins spear intrested in b/o shoot me a pm
aden the wise
s/b on eagle defender
ign aden the wise
ign aden the wise
s/b on the Gothic Dual, pls.
s/b eternal here
ign = balashi ftw
ign = balashi ftw
Mid Nighty
30k Eternal
<-- IGN
<-- IGN
aden the wise
s/b on purple scythe plz
ign aden the wise
ign aden the wise
Surge goes pre
Bump to the top. I will post prices with the next bump.
Surge goes pre
Bump. Added a Stack Of Cons! B/o: 300e
Surge goes pre
Bump. Sorry for the confusion. The price is 300e
I Shadow Keks I
b/o on stack of consets 300e
IGN: I Shadow Keks I
IGN: I Shadow Keks I