ATMI's lil store [Gothic Defender! (-5/19%, +30hp)]


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2009


Happy Enchanted Heroes [HEH]



How are you guys doing? had a nice halloween this year? =)

Most items here have a b/o price listed, but there's also a small auction for those items iam a bit unsure to set a b/o. ^^ If you feel the b/o is a bit high, you're free to make an offer.
*Non-inscriptable items only*


Zkey accepted at 5k
Ecto accepted at 6k


s/b 30k / 5ecto / 6 Zkey

c/o 75k Andy

b/o comming soon.


B/O 50k

B/O 25e (Comes with a req8 Wingblade gold, max dmg. but without inherent)

B/O 25k

B/O 15k

B/O 40k

Plagueborn staff req9 DF. Gold and max

B/O 10k

Gothix Dual Axe req 10. Gold and max.

B/O 10k

Gothic Dual Axe req9. Gold and Max.

B/O 50k


Elite Tomes.

Assassin [9] 3k ea.
Elementalist [7] 7k ea.
Mesmer [6] 5k ea.
Monk [5] 5k ea.
Ranger [3] 6k ea.
Ritualist [2] 10k ea.
Necromancer [7] 7k ea.
Warrior [10] 5k ea.

13 Golden Flames of Balthazaar. 6k ea.
3 Regular Flames of Balthazaar. 2k ea.

Sold items:
Emblazoned defender (vs. Demons) thank U Mid Nighty
Amber Aegis Thank you Mid nighty.
Death staff 20/20 thx Jason.

Thank you guys, hope you find something usefull. ^^
Oh, and dont forget to leave your In-game-name!
P.S: Forgot to mention that items will be reserved for you for 48 hours.

Mid Nighty

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2010

GMT +1

GTE [金金金金]


Emblazoned Defender req10 Tac. Gold and Max.
Armor +10 (vs. Demons)
Health +59 (while hexed)

B/O 30k

Amber Aegis req12 tac. Gold and max.
-3 while hexed
+59hp while hexed.

B/O 5k

Ty for the fast delivery!

Jason Xll

Jason Xll


Join Date: Sep 2005

Ice Tooth Cave


I'll take the death Boner.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005


Teh Academy [PhD]


75k on Gothic defender

ign: Gresdor Firetaler

(changed bid to plat, as I need to save some e atm ^^)


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2009


Happy Enchanted Heroes [HEH]


B u M p !

Sold a couple of items. Thanks to my wonderful customers!