LF NF Vanquisher

Kyle The Savage

Kyle The Savage

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2008

San Francisco, California

Tremendously Underrated [trU]


Hey, I'm looking for someone to do a few NF 8-man Vanquishes for me. They aren't difficult areas by any means, I am just very burnt out on vqing lol. Ill pay 100g per foe after the area is complete. Not interested in scamming, if you want to take a look at my threads, particularly the services I have offered in the past and you will see that I am an honest guy. Pm me in game or post on this thread. IGN: Kyle The Savage

Anti Welfare

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2009

For Goods Sake


i can help you out with this. pm me ingame. have references if needed.

Anti Welfare