WTS 5 Dual Echos+Pluagborn
1 - sold
2 - sold for b/o
3 - 10e - brazilian trader b/o 15e
4 - sold
5 - sold
6 - sold for b/o
leave your IGN plz-thanks!
edit: added b/o's, will sell after one more bump to highest bid or b/o-whichever comes first-thanks!
i am the ownage
#4-echo with -5(19) and +10v fire
i offer 15k
IGN: cold as my heart
i offer 15k
IGN: cold as my heart
100k on #1
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
ign: Gresdor Firetaler
25k on #2
IGN: Blonde Hex
IGN: Blonde Hex
The Mountain
50k on #2.......
Echovald #1= 18e
Echovald #2= 10e
Echovald #3= 10e
Echovald #2= 10e
Echovald #3= 10e
25e on #1 ign Alkor Knox
Mid Nighty
#1 30e
#2 15e
#5 20k
<-- IGN
#2 15e
#5 20k
<-- IGN
35e on no 1, ign I Halfies
50k nr 5
ing Wavar Amarasya
ing Wavar Amarasya
Mid Nighty
#1 40e
#5 10e
#6 20k
#5 10e
#6 20k
15e echo numba 5
bump time 12 chars
Natures Survivor
25k number 4
IGN: Natures Survivor
IGN: Natures Survivor
i am the ownage
ign: cold as my heart
ign: cold as my heart
20e on 2 please
Ign: Argeris the Sin
Ign: Argeris the Sin
Mid Nighty
24e on #2
prolly the last bump!
mentle mesmer
50e number 1
50k number 4
50k number 4
i am the ownage
60k #4
ign: cold as my heart
ign: cold as my heart
mentle mesmer
70k @ 4 and a bit more characters
i am the ownage
85k #4
ign:cold as my heart
ign:cold as my heart
mentle mesmer
90k number 4
Mid Nighty
55e #1
(12 chars)
(12 chars)
last bump-updated b/o's but will be sellin to the highest bid if b/o's not reached
i am the ownage
il b/o #6, my ign should be 4 posts up
b/o that lovely #2 plz
ign- yero chan (please pm me here first so i can log. haven't been doing much of that lately. call it a break...)
ign- yero chan (please pm me here first so i can log. haven't been doing much of that lately. call it a break...)

X monkey boy X
60e number 1
Keystone no stone
Keystone no stone