My name's Ling and I've had my own mission running service for over three years. Topic can be found here:
After a short period of inactivity I managed to get the service back on track. All my runners are extremely busy doing runs now and we were hoping to find an additional two runners to help lighten that burden a bit =]
Some things to keep in mind:
* The thing I'm looking for most right now is runners who are able to help out with the HM prophecies missions
* You should preferably have some past experiences in mission running, it's not a must, but it certainly will give you an edge over unexperienced runners
* Mission running can be quite time consuming at times, I'm looking for people that are able to spend a decent amount of time on this game. Not talking about 8+ hours a day here, but 4 hours a week certainly won't cut it
* The prices listed in my topic are what you get for running, I do not take any cut from the people that you're running; you put in the work, you get the profit
* This is not a temporary commitment: we've been around for the last three years and we're here to stay till GW2 comes out. If you're looking for a stable group of runners this is you chance!
* I have the right to kick people from my service if there's a reason to do so. I do not tolerate any form of flaming, scamming or rude behaviour towards people that request runs
If you think you can live up to these requirements send me a PM on guru, tell me something about yourself, your motivation to join my service and anything else you'd want to tell me

Thanks for reading!
- Ling