Closed: PC on Amethyst Aegis (req 10 tactics)



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2011


As the title says, looking for a price for an inscribable Amethyst Aegis with a req 10 in tactics.

Also, what upgrades are most desirable on it?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2007

so cal


I'll save you my q9 tac story (just see the pc a few threads above), but I would say 15k-ish and you are good to go

Upgrades? If you intend to upgrade to make it more "marketable" - don't. It's just not worth it, and doing that in general is a bad idea.

If you are asking which upgrades are the "best" - well, that depends on a myriad of variables and circumstantial situations. In general, however, you are safe with +30, -5/20 which is arguably the "classic" setup. But, most players run with shield sets, having shields designed with mods/insc (or inherent mods which is the way to go!!) designed to meet specific needs of the build, etc.