Looking for people to join me in having this in HoM
Eternal Conqueror of the Deep
Eternal Conqueror of Urgoz's Warren
Eternal Conqueror of the Fissure of Woe
Eternal Conqueror of the Underworld
Eternal Conqueror of the Domain of Anguish
I'm in GMT+1 and i'm on every evening from 18h.
Ingame name: Lord Kipni
Talk to me ingame or leave a msg.
PvE: Eternal Conqueror in HoM
Pritst Of Death
y are u looking for people with all this?
no i'm looking for people who want to help me having it in HoM
zodic daggs
i'll do Eternal conqueror of the Doamin of Anguish with you ING: Ninga Master Two
My play times are a bit all over the place, but If I'm online when you do these I'd love to come.
IGN: Lady Lunabelle
IGN: Lady Lunabelle