PC Q7/16 Ornate Buckler
***closed, early bump***
gold? 7/16s don't drop any more so it's worth something. just not a lot.
Nope, purple.
Even purple texted, I'd still say it has value as a collectible. And there seems to be more interest and activity in oldschool/oddball collectible trading than I remember in the past couple years.
Were that mine, I would not rush to sell it. It's impossible to name a price up front, but take your time. Advertise it well in both a sell thread here and in game, especially get it mentioned a few times in the trade chat in Kamadan AD1 (important for reasons it might be inappropriate for me to explain here, but just take my word for it.) A line like
WTS 16/7 *OLDSCHOOL/PRENERF* Shield - PM for details/offers (PM me on Guru @ shasderias)
is exactly the kind of thing I would want to be sure to say a few times in Kamadan AD1 trade chat were I selling that shield. No other town or district will do.
Then I'd also advertise it in a thread here and take offers.
I'm posting this even though I know your thread is probably going to be locked when a PC mod sees you "bumped early." Gotta read those sticky thread guidelines/rules, man. But I thought it worth getting this up here even though you broke the rules we're supposed to follow.
My apologies to the PC Gurus and mods.
EDIT, after closed by OP, but hopefully acceptable in the interest of this being the PC section ...
- This auction, which now appears to be over, is why I thought the item in the OP (before it was closed,) had the potential to start a bid war. The axe in the example is likely rarer for having been the sort of thing fewer players would have thought to keep than a shield like the OP told us about. More people knew the significance of min. req. shields than knew/imagined the significances the axe in question would one day come to represent. Still, I advise shasderias to take his time selling that thing.
Were that mine, I would not rush to sell it. It's impossible to name a price up front, but take your time. Advertise it well in both a sell thread here and in game, especially get it mentioned a few times in the trade chat in Kamadan AD1 (important for reasons it might be inappropriate for me to explain here, but just take my word for it.) A line like
WTS 16/7 *OLDSCHOOL/PRENERF* Shield - PM for details/offers (PM me on Guru @ shasderias)
is exactly the kind of thing I would want to be sure to say a few times in Kamadan AD1 trade chat were I selling that shield. No other town or district will do.
Then I'd also advertise it in a thread here and take offers.
I'm posting this even though I know your thread is probably going to be locked when a PC mod sees you "bumped early." Gotta read those sticky thread guidelines/rules, man. But I thought it worth getting this up here even though you broke the rules we're supposed to follow.
My apologies to the PC Gurus and mods.
EDIT, after closed by OP, but hopefully acceptable in the interest of this being the PC section ...
- This auction, which now appears to be over, is why I thought the item in the OP (before it was closed,) had the potential to start a bid war. The axe in the example is likely rarer for having been the sort of thing fewer players would have thought to keep than a shield like the OP told us about. More people knew the significance of min. req. shields than knew/imagined the significances the axe in question would one day come to represent. Still, I advise shasderias to take his time selling that thing.