WTS Unded Miniatures + Giving extras to buyers



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2011

New Jersey



I'm selling the following miniature pets:

I am also giving away additional unded miniature pets to buyers with no extra charge, they are listed under additional minis.

Name: Miniature Bone Dragon
Type: Green
Buyout Price: 10 Ecto or 70 Platinum
Additional Minis: Scourge Manta and Ophil Nahualli

Name: Miniature Black Beast of Aaaaarrrrrrggghhh
Type: Gold
Buyout Price: 7 Ecto or 50 Platinum
Additional Minis: Scourge Manta and Cobalt Scabara

All sold, thanks!

My Guild Wars IGN is Necromancer Owner, please contact me if you're interested in buying either of the two mini pets.