Can somebody give me a PC on these items?
PC on many items recived from Zaishen Chest
I see nothing worth much at all in your list, oh and how can you can say that lot is from Z-Chest, when some of it obviously isn't?
Grrrr I typed a lengthy response pc detailing reasons for my recommendations which somehow vanished. Meh, they can be summed up in one word, however.....merch. Except the broadsword which may get 10-15k in Kama. Also the 20/ench staff wrap which is min 3k. Gl and hth
Jason Xll
Seeing as you haven't numbered them I'm going to make a generalised statement. Salvage any perfect, marketable mods and merch the weapons.
As gw_poster already pointed out, the Broadsword can be sold for 5-15k and the staff mods are of some value, around 3-4k/each.
As gw_poster already pointed out, the Broadsword can be sold for 5-15k and the staff mods are of some value, around 3-4k/each.